On my desk...



Hello there! 

I blinked and February has gone! It was a busier month with family life, so I didn't complete as many full sized paintings as last month. But I am very happy with what I did complete... a couple dozen studies of thestrals, and almost finished my new altered painting of a pair of thestrals. The originals (and prints & digitals) will be available soon (first dibs go to those who requested early access to originals!)

My plan for March is to paint the large mystery ocean  painting I had hoped to start in February! Then I would like to paint some dragons, my Princess Bride and Monty Python ideas, followed by ents, Cornish pixies, LEGO pirate ship... obviously too much to paint in one month, especially since March also has the school break and my kids will be home with me. But I'll see how far I get!    

As always I'll share sneak peeks and the raw work in progress on social media.   





If you've seen my Instagram stories, you'll know that I asked if you could guess what I'm going to paint into this  beach scene... when eight people had guessed it correctly, I revealed I'm painting a scene from The Last Unicorn. Hoping to finish by the end of March. 

(March 2025) Original, prints & digitals available early April. 



Herbology : Devil's Snare. Painting on print on board with ornate frame. 

(March 2025) Original & digitals available late March



Herbology : Devil's Snare. Painting on print on board with ornate frame. 

(March 2025) Original & digitals available late March



Herbology : Tentacula plant. Painting on print on board with ornate frame. 

(March 2025) Original & digitals available late March



“They’re called Thestrals. They're quite gentle, really, but people avoid them, because they're a bit... Different.” – Luna & Harry

I collected this vintage piece in Australia while at my brother's wedding... it came all the way back in my luggage, and has been waiting patiently for me to start altering it! I am enjoying transforming these very proud looking horses into thestrals... this style of painting is very static and "serious," so I'm enjoying painting the thestrals in that same sort of posed style. Keep an eye on my Instagram stories for sneak peeks of the work in progress! 

(Feb 2025) Original, prints & digitals available early March. 




I have this old children's book about ponies, with lovely little black and white illustrations... and I'm enjoying transforming them into thestrals as little studies while I'm working on the larger altered piece. There are about 20 illustrations in this book, I'll be snipping these out and they'll be available unframed / framed... little affordable original altered paintings. I'm considering doing a digital bundle of the best ones. 

(Feb 2025) Original & digitals available early March. 



I started working on this one at Wayside Comics & Cocktails last month... will finish it and several others before May the 4th! 

(May 2025) Original available May the 4th Art Drop


Events &
Art Drops

Next Art Drop : a little at a time!
(Brampton, Ontario)

Because I am working on an eclectic mix of pieces at the moment, I'm going to drop them on my website a little at a time over the next couple months. 

I recommend signing up for my newsletter, that way you'll be informed when the next art drop happens!

Early Birds : I know some of you are waiting on specific pieces... I have not forgotten and I have put them aside for you!

May the 4th Be With You!
May 4, 2025 - I have really enjoyed celebrating May the 4th with new art... what do you think I should paint this year? 

Black Friday 
Nov 28, 2025 - On Black Friday I have a studio sale on sketches & studies... perfect for mix-and-matching with finished art for that "from the art studio" look. This is the one weekend of the year that my printable downloads go ON SALE. Original upcycled pieces, custom framed prints, postcards and normal prints will not be discounted.

One of a Kind Show 
Dec 2 - 7, 2025 - I am delighted to be joining on at the OOAK Toronto for my second year! I've rented a LARGER space to show my art, and will have new art with me. You'll find me there during the second half of the show (this suits me best, my kids are still in school and it's a big thing me being away for these six days!) Looking forward to seeing you there!