On my desk...


Hello there! 

You've found where I share sneak peeks at what's on my desk!

My plan for March was to paint the large mystery ocean  painting I had hoped to start in February, and then to paint some dragons, my Princess Bride and Monty Python ideas, followed by ents, Cornish pixies, LEGO pirate ship.

But I didn't do any of that! 

March break and family life has kept me busy, so with the limited time I had to paint, instead of my grand plans I snuck in a couple challenging small pieces, a few surprise botanicals. 

The ideas I didn't get to will keep... I have booked them in for May! 

As always I'll share sneak peeks and the raw work in progress on social media.   


These originals (and prints & digitals) will be available soon (first dibs go to those who requested early access to originals!)





Inspired by "Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs."

The day after my failed-filming of my portrait of Sirius, I decided to get back on the bicycle and paint the transformation of James into a stag. I glued the print to a larger surface so I could paint the antlers "growing" out of the frame. I was very careful to make sure the record button was going this time... and the animated time-lapse looks so good if I do say so myself! 

Keep an eye on my Instagram stories, I'll be sharing the reel for this one soon!  

(March 2025) Original, prints & digitals available late April. 



Inspired by "Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs."

I had set aside a portrait to transform from Sirius into the great black dog. I painted every stage of the transformation and recorded it, intending to speed it up and put together into an animation much like my "Common Garden Rat" and "Professor?" paintings. I was very careful to capture a gentle expression of the dog as I painted, as Sirius said boasted he was actually a very good natured dog, and that his best friend James had suggested on more than one occasion to make the change permanent! 

All was going well, I kept checking the recording as I went along. When I finished, I hit stop... and noticed the video wasn't there. I hadn't recorded it properly! So heartbreaking. I was very mopey for the rest of the day! But I was surrounded by love and encouragement... and finished up painting the hairy dog.  I'll be sharing the reel of this on Instagram soon!  

(March 2025) Original, prints & digitals available late April. 



If you've seen my Instagram stories, you'll know that I asked if you could guess what I'm going to paint into this  beach scene... when eight people had guessed it correctly, I revealed I'm painting a scene from The Last Unicorn.

(April 2025) Original, prints & digitals available early April. 



Herbology : Devil's Snare. Painting on print on board with ornate frame. 

(March 2025) Original & digitals available late March



Herbology : Devil's Snare. Painting on print on board with ornate frame. 

(March 2025) Original & digitals available late March



Herbology : Tentacula plant. Painting on print on board with ornate frame. 

(March 2025) Original & digitals available late March



I started working on this one at Wayside Comics & Cocktails last month... will finish it and several others before May the 4th! 

(May 2025) Original available May the 4th Art Drop


Events &
Art Drops

I recommend signing up for my newsletter, that way you'll be informed when the next art drop happens!

Early Birds : I know some of you are waiting on specific pieces... I have not forgotten and I have put them aside for you!

Curiosa Pop-Up
April 19, 2025 - I am SO excited about this...more details to come soon! 

May the 2nd : Magical Art Drop
May 2, 2025 - I'm working on some new muggle artwork which will be available on this important day in magical history. 

May the 4th Be With You!
May 4, 2025 - In the works are new droids, crashed walkers and ships, and death stars! Let me know if you have any special requests. 

Black Friday 
Nov 28, 2025 - On Black Friday I have a studio sale on sketches & studies... perfect for mix-and-matching with finished art for that "from the art studio" look. This is the one weekend of the year that my printable downloads go ON SALE. Original upcycled pieces, custom framed prints, postcards and normal prints will not be discounted.

One of a Kind Show 
Dec 2 - 7, 2025 - I am delighted to be joining on at the OOAK Toronto for my second year! I've rented a LARGER space to show my art, and will have new art with me. You'll find me there during the second half of the show (this suits me best, my kids are still in school and it's a big thing me being away for these six days!) Looking forward to seeing you there!